Payment Inquiry

It is the query service for the payment result. The current status of the payment is queried with the “paymentId” and “uuid” parameters of the payment transaction. The payment result is sent via the ”paymentResult” object.

For successfully completed payments; success = true , paymentStatusCode = 1 , paymentStatusMsg = “ success ” values ​​are returned.


Method Endpoint Content-Type
POST {{baseURL}}/paymapi/v1/transaction/getResult application/json


Parameters to be sent to the service:

Parameter Type Required Description
credentials obj yes API credentials
    apiKey str yes API Key
    hash str yes The hash value generated for this transaction. See: Hash calculation for payment query
paymentId int yes ID value for payment
uuid str yes UUID value for payment
  "paymentId": 55,
  "uuid": "uuid-for-transaction"


Results Parameters

Parameter Type Description
paymentId int ID value for payment
paymentDate str Payment date
paymentUuid str UUID value for payment
hash str The hash value for the payment.  See: Hash value check
orderId str Order-specific, unique ID value
orderTotal flt Payment total
currencyCode str ISO 4217, three-digit currency code.
items obj arr List of products subject to order
    name str Name of the product
    stockCode str Stock code of the product
    quantity int Product quantity
    price flt Product price
customer obj Object containing customer information
    id str Customer-specific unique ID value
    group str Customer group. Default: Standard “STD”
    name str Customer name
    surname str Customer surname
    email str Customer email address
    telephone str Customer phone number
    ssn str Customer ID number
    address str Customer address
    city str City
    country str Country
    zipCode str Zip Code
    ipAddr str Customer’s IP address
paymentResult obj Payment result object
    success bln Payment success status
    paymentStatusCode int Payment status code
    paymentStatusMsg str Payment status message
statusCode int Transaction status code
statusMsg str Transaction status message


  "paymentId": 50,
  "paymentDate": "2020-11-02 20:47:26",
  "paymentUuid": "f021649c-b04b-43bf-8f47-1e52be9ee85f",
  "hash": "n2Ehu802sgXF4LWEgLauwwYHu8GV6E=",
  "orderId": "1212",
  "orderTotal": 20,
  "currencyCode": "TRY",
  "items": [
      "name": "Product 1",
      "stockCode": "123456",
      "quantity": 2,
      "price": 5.5
      "name": "Product 2",
      "stockCode": "234567",
      "quantity": 1,
      "price": 9
  "customer": {
    "id": "007",
    "group": "STD",
    "name": "john",
    "surname": "doe",
    "email": "",
    "telephone": "905554444433",
    "ssn": "11122233344",
    "address": "Mehterçeşme Mahallesi Cumhuriyet Cad. No:35 Kat:4 Esenyurt",
    "city": "Istanbul",
    "country": "Turkey",
    "zipCode": "34515",
    "ipAddr": ""
  "paymentResult": {
    "success": true,
    "paymentStatusCode": 1,
    "paymentStatusMsg": "success"
  "statusCode": 100,
  "statusMsg": "OK"



The SHA1 algorithm is applied by adding “apiKey” + “uuid” + “secretKey” parameters, respectively. The hash value obtained is encoded as a base64 string.

base64(sha1(apiKey + uuid + secretKey))

Hash computing differs for each service.