
It is the method by which the payment transaction will be started. The payment transaction is initiated by directing to the “paymentUrl” address returned at the end of the transaction. With the conclusion of the payment transaction, the customer is directed to the address transmitted with the “callbackUrl” parameter. The final result information regarding the payment is sent to the notification address determined by the external institution via the IPN service. In addition, the result of the payment can be inquired with the payment query service.

When initiating the payment process, a payment method can be targeted directly or the user can choose the method that suits him / her among the available options.


Payment Method Codes

All payment options are defined by a separate method code. If the payment transaction is initiated with a method code, the user is directed directly to the relevant payment method and makes the transaction. If the method code is transmitted as “0”, the user can choose the appropriate one from among the available payment options.


You can access the list of payment method codes through your management panel..


Method Endpoint Content-Type
POST {{baseURL}}/paymapi/v1/transaction/create application/json


Parameters to be sent to the service:

Parameter Type Required Description
credentials obj yes API credentials
    apiKey str yes API key.  This information is located in your administration panel.
    hash str yes The hash value generated for this transaction.. See: Hash generation for payment
paymentMethodCode int no Payment method code: It determines the method the customer will pay with. See: Payment Method Codes
orderId str yes Order-specific, unique ID value
orderTotal flt yes Total payment amount
currencyCode str yes ISO 4217, three-digit currency code
items obj arr yes List of products subject to order
    name str yes Name of the product
    stockCode str no Stock code of the product
    quantity int yes Product quantity
    price flt yes Product price
customer obj yes Object containing customer information
    id str no Customer-specific unique ID value
    name str yes Customer name
    surname str yes Customer surname
    email str yes Customer email address
    telephone str yes Customer phone number (12-digit phone number with country code)
    ssn str * Customer ID number
    address str * Customer address
    city str * City
    country str * Country
    zipCode str * Zip code
    ipAddr str yes IP address
callbackUrl str yes URL to which the customer will be directed as a result of the payment

*Required for some payment methods. If it is not sent, it is tried to initiate the payment with the default information.


      "stockCode" :"stock-code",
  "customer" :{
    "id": "customer-id",
    "name": "customer-name",
    "surname": "customer-surname",
    "email": "customer@email",
    "telephone": "customer-telephone",
    "ssn": "customer-ssn",
    "address": "customer-address",
    "city": "customer-city",
    "country": "customer-country",
    "zipCode": "customer-zipcode",
    "ipAddr": "customer-ip"


Results Parameters

Parameter Type Description
data obj Data object
    paymentId int ID value for payment
    uuid str UUID value for payment
    paymentUrl str Payment URL to which you should refer your customer
statusCode int Transaction status code
statusMsg str Transaction status message


  "data": {
    "paymentId": 305,
    "uuid": "edc44396-e946-40e5-b530-8475bd624db2",
    "paymentUrl": "{{baseURL}}/payment/edc44396-e946-40e5-b530-8475bd624db2"
  "statusCode": 100,
  "statusMsg": "OK"


After the payment link (paymentUrl) has been delivered, the payment is expected to be initiated in ~ 10 minutes. Payment transactions that are not initiated during this period will expire and the payment link will become invalid.



The SHA1 algorithm is applied by adding “apiKey” + “orderId” + “secretKey” parameters, respectively. The hash value obtained is encoded as a base64 string.

base64(sha1(apiKey + orderId + secretKey))

Hash computing differs for each service.