Getting Started


PAYMAPI is a payment API developed in a “RESTful” architecture, designed to meet all payment needs of institutions accepting online payments. Provides access to various payment methods such as Credit Card, Mobile Payment, EFT / Money Transfer, E-Wallet and Pin payment.

You can follow the steps below to start your integration work.


Set an IPN (callback) address to receive payment notifications

Notifications regarding the payment results are sent to your notification address registered in your PAYMAPI account.

Get your PAYMAPI Account information

With your account information, you can access your security parameters (ApiKey / SecretKey) that you will use to access API services through your management panel..


Sandbox (TEST) account

Sandbox environment simulates payment methods. Payment requests made in the Sandbox environment are approved without being directed to the relevant payment method and a successful response returns for all requests.


Environment BaseURL